
Siacoin(SC)Stats.Transactionscount,value,Siacoinssent,difficulty,blockscount,networkhashrate,marketcapitalization...,Siacoin(SC)isadigitalasset,it'spricenowis0.0134USD.DataprovidedbyCryptoAPIs.ContactUs:[email protected]·FAQReleasemonitorTermsand ...,ThenumberofSiacoinscreatedforeachblockis300,000minustheheight.Thismeansablockwithablockheightof200,000hascreated100,000Siacoins.,CompareSiac...

Siacoin (SC) statistics

Siacoin (SC) Stats. Transactions count, value, Siacoins sent, difficulty, blocks count, network hashrate, market capitalization...

Siacoin details -

Siacoin (SC) is a digital asset, it's price now is 0.0134 USD . Data provided by Crypto APIs. Contact Us: [email protected] · FAQ Release monitor Terms and ...

Siacoin Total Supply

The number of Siacoins created for each block is 300,000 minus the height. This means a block with a block height of 200,000 has created 100,000 Siacoins.

Siacoin (SC)

Compare Siacoin (SC) coin, algorithm Blake (2b-Sia), proof of work ( PoW ) ... Block Time : ≈ 10 min Blocks / Day : ≈ 144 Coins Mined / Day : ≈ 8640000 ...




Sia encrypts and distributes your files across a decentralized network. Unlike traditional cloud storage providers, you truly own your data: no third party can ...


Sia blockchain and host explorer ... 41.572 SC/TB. Latest blocks. B · 458,940 mined in 1 minutein about 11 hours. B · 458,939 mined in 3 minutesin about 11 hours.


Siacoin (SC) price, live charts, news and more. Siacoin to USD price is updated in real time. Learn about Siacoin, receive market updates and more.

Siacoin (SC) Block explorer

Siacoin Block Explorer is a simple tool which gets you detailed information about any Siacoin transaction, address and block.

Siacoin (SC) EUR Price

Siacoin (SC) currently has a price of €0.018 and is up 11.25% over the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency is ranked 78 with a market cap of €990.3M. Over the ...